Covid Advice #7 (05/31/2020):
Video: Dr. Fong's Covid Suit,
Why Hood & Outer Clothing
Video: Dr. Fong's Covid Suit,
Why Hood & Outer Clothing
- from Dr. Dennis Fong -
We have to learn to live, active, happy, productive and enjoyable lives with Covid, because it's going to be with us for quite some time. Also, the chances of catching Covid is going to explode because the number of asymptomatic carriers is going to explode when the weather turns cold. So let's start getting in the habit of always using robust self-protection.
Here's how to go out into indoor places where other people are, like going shopping, with robust self-protection.
Going out with Covid: |
See Video in 7 Parts →   |
                                                                                        See Video in 7 Parts →  
Why do you think the suit in your video so good?
Because my suit for going out in the video is based on the "hazmat space suit" idea. After the nurses and doctors who take care of Covid cases switch from wearing operating room outfits to the hazmat space suit there have been no more deaths. Mine is better for home use, because the hazmat space suit has upper and lower body all in one piece and has to be taken off in a special dedicated room. The space suit is hard to take by yourself without waving the sleeves or pant legs all around and contaminating your car or home. My outfit, on the other hand, is in 2 pieces and can be taken off without a special room.
This winter just a mask isn't going to be enough, you will also need head covering and outer clothes, since Covid likes sticking to hair and clothing.
Start wearing my suit now, so you will get used to it and will be able to iron out all the details. Also, your grocery store, pet shop, neighbors and so forth will get used to it. There's one great thing about this country, it's a free country and nobody bothers you. If people stare real hard and long, just wave. And you might even say something like, with a light laugh and maybe even a thumbs up after: "I am doing this for everyone - it protects everyone when I don't get Covid."
If this winter turns out to be anything like what I and the experts fear, lots of people might start emulating you, and then you will have saved lives.

                Dr. Fong's Covid Suit                                 "Space Suit"
Why do we have to wear a hood? And why do we have to wear outer clothing?
That's because Covid likes sticking to hair and to clothing.
That, in turn, is because Covid is just a little ball of genetic material and protein encased in a shell of fat - see the picture. So it likes sticking to hair, just like hair gels and Brylcreem, which are all fat, that is, oil and grease. Oil and grease also likes sticking to clothing.

- By the way, that's why alcohol and soap kill Covid so effectively: they dissolve its fatty shell, the innards fall out, and Covid is dead (or "inactivated", for those who say that viruses are not alive, but I find that thinking they are helps me prevent them).
- And that's why Covid lasts so much longer in the cold: 28 days in the fridge and 2-5 years in the freezer. The cold turns the little ball of fat real solid.
- Finally, that's why Covid lasts only 2 days on the tabletop at room temperature but a month in the fridge and up to 5 years in the freezer (Covid hasn't been around that long but other coronaviruses have). It melts just like a ball of butter would on your table, but is good and solid in the fridge and down right rock hard in the freezer.
By the way, what's with winter? Why is Covid so much more infectious in the winter?
That's because Covid lives so much longer in the cold: 28 days in the fridge and 2-5 years in the freezer. The cold turns the fat real solid, therefore a bit colder and Covid stays alive a lot longer and therefore is way more infectious. For example, in summer, if some Covid gets on, say, your hair, it only stays alive for, say, only 4 hours. So by the time you touch your hair with your hand then some time later you touch some food and eat the Covid, it doesn't matter because 3 hours has passed by and the Covid is already dead. In winter, however, if some Covid gets on your hair, it now stays alive for 4 hours, and by the time you touch your hair and then touch some food and eat the Covid 3 hours later, it's still alive and you get infected.
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